UrbANNAtur: Teaching through research, practice, and international cooperation

Katarína Kristiánová, Katarína Gécová, Eva Putrová

SUMMARY Mutual relation among teaching, research and practice bring the benefits that are just as useful for students as for teachers. Benefits of linking teaching, research and practice are generally recognized and supported by education policies and programmes at the national and international levels. The international project  of urbANNAtur – the development of recreational activities […]

SUMMARY Waterfront development is driven by the current global effects of lifestyle changes, increased requirements on urban and living standards, redevelopment of former industrial sites and brownfields, often situated in contact with water elements in the cities. The aim of the development strategies is the flexible, humane, environmentally and socially responsible approach to the existing […]

ZHRNUTIE The main objective of the article is to closer disclose the process of designing the solution for the new Park Site on the place of the former cycling stadium. The first part deals with the broader relationships. The history of the former stadium area is mentioned, the functional use of the surrounding areas, connection […]

Ergonomics as an important part of product design

Mária Šimková, Jana Požgayová

SUMMARY Ergonomics is an interdisciplinary system-oriented scientific discipline which comprehensively deals with the interaction of human, products and the environment. Its goal is to optimize psychophysical load and to ensure the development of human personality. Compliance with the ergonomic principles is an inseparable part of the design process. The common goal of ergonomics and product […]

SUMMARY This paper presents the case study of the wooden birdwatching platform DUNA located in the natural park of the dam Hrušovská zdrž on the river Danube – the processes of documentation, actual designing and its implementation, i.e. construction, as a joint EWCC student project (Experimental Wooden Climatic Chamber) between the Faculty of Architecture, STU […]

SUMMARY The term “Play” is naturally associated with children. It is the basis of emotional well-being and mental health of a child and affects its balanced development, whether psychologically or physically. “Play” is such an important component of human life that the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has acknowledged “Play” as […]

SUMMARY International internships, professional experience and especially the creative discourse of doctoral students, as well as the goodwill of senior pedagogues to provide space for the next generation made it possible to conduct several pedagogical procedural experiments in the design courses taught at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the Slovak University of Technology […]