Cite this article Bene, B. (2024) ‘Socialist in content, national in form: Small-scale housing estates in Budapest between 1945 and 1960’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 29(2), pp. 3-14. SUMMARY In the second half of the 20th century, solving the housing crisis became a significant social issue and […]
housing estate
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SUMMARY This article is available only in German without a summary.
Cite this article Antypenko, H., Losonczy, A. K., Benkő, M. (2021) ‘Contemporary food markets within Budapest’s large housing estates: Factors influencing the design process’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 26(1), pp. 10-19. SUMMARY Markets – as physical areas for trading goods and food, and for social interactions – […]
SUMMARY Negative side effects of industrial and transportation development in the 18th and the 19th century caused consecutive separation of work from housing. Initial support of functional segregation in order to create quality living environment later resulted in construction of large prefabricated housing estates. What first seemed to be effective, efficient and according to some […]
SUMMARY Nowadays, when we are aware of the need of effective management of natural resources, the demand to build cities with regard to their sustainability comes to the fore. Our attention should be focused on the effective use of the existing urban structures. One of the basic principles of such development is the process of […]
SUMMARY The regeneration of mass housing estates is currently a frequently discussed topic; the attention of architects and urban planners is usually devoted to the exemplary projects from the Netherlands, Germany and France, however, the proportion of housing estates on the total housing stock does not exceed 10% in the countries of the former western […]
SUMMARY In pursuit of sustainability of our cities we increasingly face the principle of intensification. A specific issue in this context becomes the intensification of the housing estates from the period of mass housing construction. Nowadays, when master plans of our cities are failing in management of urban development of housing estates, the need for […]