SUMMARY Architecture as a discipline has the inherent potential of overlapping with areas that do not appear related to its own scope of functions at first sight. Along with town-planning, the discipline is closely linked with mass evaluation, mutual relations of buildings’ volumes impacting on the users’ and inhabitants’ everyday life. Contemporary IT technologies enable […]

SUMMARY Since the second half of the 20th century museum world has experienced incredible transformation.  The increased level of openness both to the society as to the city predicts development of the new scenario of activity and specific planning structure. The deep penetration into the surrounding, the ideological and physical spread on big territories around […]

SUMMARY Light and light fixtures are an indispensable part of the architectural scene, interior environment of buildings not excepting. They are the basic prerequisite of generating all-around interactions of people with the world around them, a specific designer layer influencing both functional and aesthetic qualities of the interior. They co-create visual stories and images, both […]

SUMMARY Sustainability has become a trend for all areas of human life in recent years, so it is natural that this trend has been reflected in the construction industry, where building construction standards have continuously been raised in order to correspond to the new requirements of sustainable development. Architects and construction companies constantly face new […]

SUMMARY The study focuses on the great fire of the tower of St Martin’s cathedral in Bratislava (formerly Pressburg, until 1919) caused by lightning on 12 June 1833 that completely destroyed the roof of the cathedral tower. In addition, the fire endangered not only other parts of the cathedral and buildings in its vicinity, but […]

SUMMARY Architecture significantly influences health and well-being of humans because they spend most of their time inside. Poorly designed buildings may cause their users physical and mental discomfort which can lead to various diseases. Recent architectural studies as to how architectural composition affects humans were conducted on already completed buildings. Thanks to the technological progress […]

SUMMARY In the current era of made-to-fit products, the topic of adaptability in architecture may seem obsolete or unsolvable. However, the creation of customized space can also have its negative aspects. Changing social, economic or cultural circumstances can result in situations where the designed area may no longer be satisfactory. Although we have already gotten […]