What will be the future SAS campus like? History and perspectives of urban and architectural development of the campus of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava By Henrieta Moravčíková, Laura Pastoreková The campus of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava is one of the oldest modern campuses in the city, which still remains […]

The aspects of everyday city life:  A sociological insight into the city By Ján Legény The article provides a sociological insight into the city and its everyday life. As architects and town planners we create a space, the city itself. Lewis Mumford has already stressed that the city and its transformation in time can not […]

SUMMARY Since the second half of the 20th century museum world has experienced incredible transformation.  The increased level of openness both to the society as to the city predicts development of the new scenario of activity and specific planning structure. The deep penetration into the surrounding, the ideological and physical spread on big territories around […]

Museum concepts designed by architects and artists: Evolution of the sight on the museum since its formation until present days By Alexander Schleicher As museum concepts we consider unrealised visions of museums or realised museums which brought exceptional ideas influencing the directions of museum architecture. Museum concepts have accompanied the museum since its begins or […]

Democracy and public spaces By Robert Špaček, Ján Legény The emergence of democracy and of the first public space – Agora dates back to the ancient Greece. Urban environment is an essential attribute of development of cultures and civilizations. It concentrates the nature of environment, history, people’s mentality and affects the way and quality of […]

Corporate culture of a successful school: Current situation at the FA STU or Where to pay more attention? By Branislav Jelenčík This paper focuses on the issue of corporate culture, particularly in the environment of the FA STU. Partly, as a tool for the analysis of relationships, values, attitudes, internal policies (author called it metaphorically […]

Alexy, Kava, Trnkus: An attempt to reflect and visualize By Nikola Winková The paper is an attempt to reflect and visualize on the long-life work of the founders of the Slovak urban design school – the practicing architects Alexy, Kavan and Trnkus. The work responds to the exhibition of 3 Professors –Architects – Urban Planners […]

Urban vitality By Silvia Bašová Vivid and bustling city preconditions its further development and is a foundation of a sound urban life. European cities will dominate among the world settlements, from the point of view of a complex urban quality and new urban infrastructure, if they retain the balance of urban factors within the human […]

Architectural design of the social service transformation: De-institutionalization in the architectural context By Lea Rollová, Danica Končeková, Eva Rusňáková The initial phase of transformation of social services, called ‘de-institutionalization’, has started in Slovakia. The transformation is characterized by the change of the system providing social care. Clients of large-scale institutions should gradually move to newly […]