The year 2020 is a very important period for the Slovak professional theatre celebrating a century of existence. In addition to a huge number of accompanying programmes produced by the Slovak National Theatre, the Slovak National Gallery has also organised a significant thematic event. On 29 February 2020, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary […]

SUMMARY This article focuses on the use of virtual and mixed reality in transport design. The advancement in virtual reality hardware and software also enables more extensive use of this technology in the design process. The possibility to visualize new designs in real scale is especially useful with larger objects, such as cars and motorbikes, […]

SUMMARY The paper analyses a concept of interior architectural design called Design for formal and physical minimalism DfFPM derived from environmental contextualization. It is to accomplish the sustainable design strategy of resources’ effectiveness and to identify the attributes of eco-aesthetics of indoor environment. The analysis is based on the comparative case studies of interiors of […]


Ján Legény, Pavel Gregor

The previous year 2019 constituted a turning point for ALFA journal and one can believe this year will be a year full of changes as well. The year 2019 began with a vision of journal’s migration to virtual space and the goal of setting up its own website too. The webpage design process lasted from […]

SUMMARY In the past few decades, we experienced significant development of construction and renovation of various museums worldwide. In spite of the potential for great popularity of these cultural institutions, the traditional museum presentation in showcases is no longer enough to attract a wider audience. The attractiveness can be enhanced through appropriate architectural solutions and […]

Interaction of man and his environment: Human-centred design in the United States By Zuzana Čerešňová The aim of this paper is to introduce the importance and various methods of human-centred design (mainly universal design) in relation to environmental psychology and neuroscience, and to call attention to the legislative, research and educational conditions in the United […]

The concept of conservation and restoration of works of architecture By Pavol Pauliny The history of preservation of historic sites and buildings has been affected by continuous changes and development of views on methods of protection and restoration of architectural heritage. The reasons for these changes in the conceptual approach can be found in the […]

Digital (r)evolution: Development of digital design tools and their impact on architectural design By Tomáš Tholt, Robert Löffler Materialization of an architectural object is accomplished on the basis of a certain form of description – the author’s notation. Architectural drawings or other types of notation act as a stencil. The process of architectural notation is […]