Management of urban development

Jaroslav Coplák, Ľubica Vitková


In the introductory part, the authors reflect global tendencies in urban planning, especially highlighting its increasingly apparent shift towards management activity. In addition to the traditional role of urban planner who has been engaged predominantly as an expert and creator, now he has to work also as coordinator and mediator between the involved “actors” – inhabitants, interest groups and private firms. Furthermore, the main characteristics of management, and the project management in particular, as discussed. Management is introduced as a set of methods and instruments that are capable to contribute to the improvement of the planning and development process through strengthening the operative and organising aspect, more precise targeting and harnessing endogenous potential of the community. The second part of the paper consists of some practical examples demonstrated on the background of the strategic planning process, which represents a typical managerial approach. It is described as a process of setting main goals of development and subsequent selection of means, strategies and tactics for successful implementation. Though the implementation strategies differ according to specific circumstances, there can be put some general principles derived from the managerial practice of the Western European cities. The paper summarizes strategies for different urban sectors and settlement patterns, namely city centre refurbishment, redevelopment of brown fields and industrial areas, revitalisation of post-war housing estates, and new greenfield developments (shopping centres). Special emphasis is given to the imperative of sustainable development that should be considered as an important strategic objective. It is necessary to curb the partly antagonistic relation between the economic requirements and teh ideas of ecological concepts.

Keywords: sustainable development, Western Europe, management, cities, project-oriented planning, urban development, strategies