Smart building

Lazarus Kanhukamwe

SUMMARY This article is available only in Slovak without a summary.

SUMMARY The design research utilizing microalgae biotechnology was conducted at the Institute of Design in years 2015 – 2019 as a part of doctoral thesis—Application of Microalgae in the context of Industrial Design—holistic approaches in the design process. The research focused on the implementation of microalgae Spirulina in the context of everyday objects. Microalgae constitute […]

SUMMARY The paper analyses a concept of interior architectural design called Design for formal and physical minimalism DfFPM derived from environmental contextualization. It is to accomplish the sustainable design strategy of resources’ effectiveness and to identify the attributes of eco-aesthetics of indoor environment. The analysis is based on the comparative case studies of interiors of […]

Solar surface area to volume ratio

Roman Hajtmanek, Ján Legény, Peter Morgenstein, Robert Špaček

SUMMARY The paper focuses on the possibilities of the energy performance of buildings in relation to the production of greenhouse gasses during the construction and use of buildings. The discussion is aimed at the options the architects have when preparing the mass designs in the conceptual phase and the reconsideration of the indicator used in […]