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SUMMARY The summary of this article is not available.
SUMMARY The summary of this article is not available.
SUMMARY The summary of this article is not available.
SUMMARY The summary of this article is not available.
SUMMARY The summary of this article is not available.
SUMMARY The summary of this article is not available.
SUMMARY The twentieth century brought a number of twists and turns in the land-use planning of the capital city of Slovakia. The development of Bratislava was influenced by different political regimes. Along with economical changes, the regimes have left significant traces not only in the urban construction of the capital city, but also in the […]
SUMMARY Cities are an economic and social phenomenon reflecting accelerating effects, as projected in their space and structure. With the advent of the information age and technological progress, the city has acquired a new attribute: the- smart city. The impact of innovation on every aspect of the current city is clear. Whether it be changes […]