SUMMARY It is the aim of any society to create optimal housing and living conditions for its inhabitants. Fast growth and development of settlements and urbanization in general resulted in numerous factors that have negative impacts on our environment. This process leads to the elimination of the essential part of the urban environment, i.e. trees […]

SUMMARY Significance of strategy is in every case important, because it provides tools and methods necessary to achieve objectives. In case of creating green cities, one of strategies used is an implementation of green roofs and walls into planning documents, strategies and regulation principles. This article presents three different strategies for implementation of greenery as […]

SUMMARY Greenery is considered one of the most important variables that positively affect the lives of people in cities. At present, in this context, the most discussed topics are such as the role and functions of green spaces, their perception, the role in offsetting climate changes and so on. Urban greenery is very often marginalized […]

Historic garden as public space (?)

Ivan Stankoci, Miriam Heinrichová, Tamara Reháčková

SUMMARY The status of public spaces in a city, their importance, function and facilities they provide, belong to the today’s most discussed themes by professionals and non-professionals. Public spaces can be defined as open free spaces which are available to the public regardless of gender, race, religion etc. Especially in urban areas, the public green […]

SUMMARY The paper focuses attention to the issues of tree allées and tree-rows in the urban environment. Tree allées and tree-rows in streets are significant natural features of urban structures, linking the different areas of vegetation into a coherent system of urban green space. They belong to the most problematic and the most demanding objects […]