Strategies for implementation of greenery into buildings within settlements development: Importance and some examples from foreign cities

Zuzana Krivošová


Significance of strategy is in every case important, because it provides tools and methods necessary to achieve objectives. In case of creating green cities, one of strategies used is an implementation of green roofs and walls into planning documents, strategies and regulation principles.

This article presents three different strategies for implementation of greenery as part of building construction, into strategic and planning documents of cities. All example cities are from German speaking countries, where such way of regulation was made for the first time. Three different reasons for implementing greenery to building constructions and three different strategies will be presented.

Tools for the strategies are different, but from all of them three main ones can be determined:

  • Regulatory – in strategic and planning documents
  • Financial – allowances, reduction of fees and taxes, etc.
  • Supportive – the competition, free consultations, information seminars, training and so on
Keywords: foreign examples, urban design, BAF, city, vegetation, greenery, settlement