
Ľubomír Jamečný

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SUMMARY The article deals with Czech sacral architecture, in particular, historical moment. Because of the slow movement in the architectural area in comparison to politics, a certain zone of immediate historical period is chosen, which corresponds to the speed of architectural evolution. The midpoint of this imaginary zone on the historical axis is the year […]

SUMMARY This article is a summary of information about the textile factory in the city of Beroun and its history. It also deals with its architectural analysis based on the found extensive project documentation and physical inspection of the examined object. The analysed structure is related to important historical milestones. The photographic documentation of the […]

SUMMARY This research shall focus on identifying the process of studying landscape architecture (curriculum, study abroad and exchange opportunities), transition to practice (internships), everyday practice (architectural offices), and the process of registration (authorization) and chamber memberships (rights and obligations). The goal is to remove mental boundaries between planning and design professions, between countries, between the […]