Project REGAMTER (TEMPUS): One of the inspirations for our Faculty

Karol Kattoš


The current radical changes in the professional field of town and country planning and the need to broaden and update the professional skills of town and country planners are supposed to form a completely new educational system of the graduates in the field of town and country planning. In this situation we have been given the possibility to establish professional contacts, through the project TEMPUS-PHARE-REGAMTER, with the Institute od Urbanism, University Pierre-Mendoz France in Grenoble and the Department of Town and Country Planning, University in Newcastle upon Tyne in Great Britain. The educational programme REGAMTER opens the possibilities of mutual confrontation and learning in the above-mentioned issues. It proposes to start with a postgraduate system of study in town and country planning for the graduates of the schools of architecture, as well as for the graduates of the branches associated with town and country planning activities; to establish an institute which will be the basis for continual education of the professionals from the practice which lack the up-to-date skills of their profession.

Keywords: TEMPUS, education, spatial planning, project, inspiration, FA STU, REGAMTER