SUMMARY The relation between the settlement and the surrounding countryside significantly influences the quality of the environment on a region-wide scale. The development of this relationship has brought many negatively acting marks on the environment, which may influence the further development of its quality. The dynamic social changes, generating the important transformation of the economic […]

SUMMARY The creative process of actualisation of urban structure is to a great extent influenced by objectively acting urbanisation regularities. The paper characterises some of the transformation and interaction regularities, their creative use is determined by the quality of the interference to the changing city structure. The transformational regularities of intensification, integration, homogenization etc. are […]

SUMMARY The shape of an institution is determined by its programme and personalities. The system of study is influenced by the requirements of the practice. The background is a model of the study and one of the new possibilities is revitalization of studio work as workshops of celebrities or as a vertical studio. One of […]