
Eva Putrová

SUMMARY This article is available only in Slovak without a summary.

SUMMARY The article deals with the development of urban parks, from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries up to present, and it tries to type the approaches in the contemporary park design in Europe. Park and garden design reflected the progress in architecture and art; their forms and functions were influenced by geographical, […]

Historic garden as public space (?)

Tamara Reháčková, Ivan Stankoci, Miriam Heinrichová

SUMMARY The status of public spaces in a city, their importance, function and facilities they provide, belong to the today’s most discussed themes by professionals and non-professionals. Public spaces can be defined as open free spaces which are available to the public regardless of gender, race, religion etc. Especially in urban areas, the public green […]

ZHRNUTIE The main objective of the article is to closer disclose the process of designing the solution for the new Park Site on the place of the former cycling stadium. The first part deals with the broader relationships. The history of the former stadium area is mentioned, the functional use of the surrounding areas, connection […]