Education on spatial planning in the Czech Republic

Alois Slepička


The new social conditions that principally determine territorial development require substantial innovation of education in the field of spatial planning. Currently there is no such study in the Czech Republic that would cover spatial planning as an independent cross-sectional discipline. There is a siginificant fact that spatial planning is being lectured at various universities. The challenge towards the future is to broaden and deepen co-operation between these universities that shoudl go on by mutual inter-linkage of the curricula and by systematic co-operation in the field of research. It would also be beneficial to organise joint conferences, seminars and colloquia as it has been suggested in the convention among these universities in 1992. Such linkage is inevitable to build in the regions too. Co-operation and regular exchange of experience with the foreign universities, mainly with the neighbouring countries and the EU countries is of a high importance. Moreover, the linkage of education with research as well as with practice is required. One possible solution could be the establishment of an independent institution as an advisory and service body (similar to ARL in Germany) that could mediate the interdisciplinary exchange and transfer of knowledge.

Keywords: Czech Republic, education, spatial planning, development, history, land-use planning