Introduction of the model of the European engineering study, higher mobility of students and pedagogues, wider use of interactive methods in education and internalisation of education – these are the trends bringing important impulses for further direction of education in the field of spatial planning. The key task will be in the development of “European spatial planning”, its contents, theoretical basis, methods and instruments. This European dimension requires special complex of knowledge, specific approach and new instruments of planning. As a consequence of globalisation of the issues of social environment, free exchange of information and international cooperation in research and science, there is gradual approximation of the contents of spatial or landuse planning as well as the common level of education. The global tendencies tend towards the intregrating task of the planners as the “managers of environment” that would be able to communicate with participating experts and all the interests would subordinate to the common objective – quality of environment. It is indisputable that changes in education of spatial planning at the Slovak universities will be inevitable, mainly in relation to approximation of academic education in Europe. The Bologne declaration and other documents outline the frame of this process.