The activities of the Slovak Agency of the Environment are within the environmental impact assessment process aimed at:
– elaboration special basic documents for the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic in single stages of the assessment process,
– rendering advisory service, providing information on the environment that are inevitable for the proponent to work out documentation in the environmental impact assessment process,
– rendering advisory service for the public,
– building a centre of documentation to file, store and provide information from documentation concerning the environmental impact assessment process,
– cooperation in elaborating methodical documents in the above process.
The presented article informs of a system to secure the standpoints by law. As of 31 December 1998, the Agency assessed 166 actions, out of that 110 intentions and 45 environmental impact statements (EIS). The paper further deals with assessing land use plans according to the article 35 of the Act and also with shortcomings in elaborating intentions and EIS.