Strategic planning in connection to land-use planning

Jaroslav Coplák


The paper discusses the topic of strategic urban planning in the planning system of the Slovak Republic at local level. The introduction notes that the changing socio-economic conditions of global nature bring new demands on the form of spatial planning. Further it briefly describes the origins and development of strategic planning, particularly its application by municipalities. Compared to physical (land-use) planning, which modern history dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, is thus the strategic urban planning considerably younger and our towns and cities have started using it only in the last 10 years.

The core theme of the paper is, however, the difference between land-use planning and strategic planning as well as their position in the planning system. Based on their knowledge, the paper defines the potential connections of land-use planning and strategic planning. Both types of planning differ in their philosophy, approach to problems, which is reflected in the various methods of engagement and problem solving. They represent complementary principles that may be properly interlinked.

The most needed connection is identified at the stage of setting objectives. Objectives of the overall development strategy of the municipality, especially those related to the development of the physical environment, should be reflected in the commitment of a land-use plan, which defines the objectives and requirements for the proposal. A significant potential interconnection of the planning systems is also present in the implementation phase.

Land-use planning thanks to strategic plans offers an opportunity to lean the development concept on the overall development strategy which underlines the development priorities that represent the preferred directions of political and financial support. It also enables an appropriate implementation of some projects regarding the physical environment, particularly of investment projects. The system of strategic planning through successive short-term plans has the potential to contribute to a successful implementation of the land-use plan. Strategic planning has a significant innovation potential towards land-use plans in terms of adding economic aspects, understanding market principles, phenomenon of competition and territorial capital. It can also balance the primary regulatory function of planning through a complementary approach of promoting the desired development and mobilisation of internal potential of municipalities.

Keywords: city, strategic planning, documentation, land-use planning, urban design, development