Spatial planning: Trends, expectations, hopes in connection with the ambitions of the Czech Republic’s accession to the EU

Karel Maier


The existing demand for planners in the Czech Republic splits in general between job within public administration – the “procurers” of plans – and private “plan makers” who hold positions in consultation agencies that offer the elaboration of plans, advice and expertise. The jobs on the public administration side have rather low social status and, consequently, reward, although these suggest the greatest amount of posts in the planning branch. The nuisance of Czech planning system is the very fragmented pattern in planning. Therefore, it seems there is no point in any action towards a change of the former arrangement of planning education before it becomes clear whether the contemporary pattern of plannign will be followed or some structural change towards a more EU-compatible planning model will be made. Probably the most discussed question between planners is what the plannins education should offer. Possibly, there is no use trying to establish a sort of comprehensive, universal planning school. We rather ought to rely on the newwork of existing facilities that, each from a certain point of view, would approach a virtual “planning core”.

Keywords: spatial planning, trends, spatial plans, Czech Republic, EU, expectations, public administration