Neither Slovakia (nor the FA STU) is an isolated island: Requirements for the education of town and country planners in accordance with the world trends

Maroš Finka


When considering the future direction of the FA STU and thus the education of the town and country planners in Slovakia, we cannot do without a view on European and world development. It is therefore inevitable to take into account the findings of analyses done by the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). These are dealing not only with the contexts of town and country and land-use planning development practise but at the same time they are trying to constitute generally valid and up-to-date requirements for the skills of graduates. These requirements should become the background for updating the models of education of town and country planners at the FA STU in order to secure their professional skills when solving the pressing problems of spatial development at the local and regional leevls, as well as an European dimension.

Keywords: Europe, AESOP, Slovakia, urban design, skills of graduates, FA STU, development