Overview of study conditions, content of study programmes and tendencies of new orientation

Peter Gál


The beginnings of the academic studies in the branch of spatial planning are closely connected to the historical periods of the development of the Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The issues of planning in general have been a part of various universities curricula, however, spatial planning and land-use planning have been a predominant part of the curriculum at the Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. Spatial planning in Slovakia must adapt to the dynamics of development under the new conditions of market economy. This is true not only concerning the planning methods but primarily concerning the issues of education of the professionals that will be acting in the practice. Evaluations of the knowledge gained in the international programmes Tempus-Regamter and Tempus-Spectra brings the requirement to build a new curriculum of the university education for the planners in Europe. From this point of view, it is highly valuable for the FA STU to take part in the ongoing research programme CADSES-INTERREG II C that is expected to give impulses for internationally reasonable review of the curricula in order to create the new branches of spatial planning.

Keywords: FA STU, spatial planning, study programmes, study, study conditions, urban design