Editorial 4/2023

Christian Hanus

Cite this article Hanus, C. (2023) ‘Editorial’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 28(4), pp. 1-2. https://www.doi.org/10.2478/alfa-2023-0019   This issue of Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU once again deals with a remarkable and diverse collection of current research topics in the building industry, from urban planning […]

SUMMARY Small and medium sized towns are the most common type of urban settlement in Slovakia. Therefore, finding ways for their sustainable development is one of the most urgent topics in contemporary Slovak urban planning theory and practice. The main tool of contemporary Slovak urban planning – the land use plan – regulates the development […]

Stakeholders – part of urban planning

Ján Urban, Ľubica Vitková

SUMMARY This paper focuses on the development of planning mechanisms, current practices and trends in relation to the social aspects of planning. Above all, we present the research and applied methodology aimed at involving the representatives of municipal authorities (self-government) and other entities in the planning and development strategy of the DANUrB project. An important […]

SUMMARY The paper focuses on the construction of railways in Bratislava (before 1918 Pressburg, Pozsony, Prešporok), which was a factor determining the concentration of industrial areas along the railway line, especially on the periphery, but also near railway stations situated on the edge of the current central part of the city. It also analyzes the […]


Henrieta Moravčíková

Urbanism and zoning in the former Eastern Bloc countries have been in a state of crisis since the end of the 20th century. This is associated, on the one hand, with a change on the state level, when the market economy replaced the socialist state-planned economy and, on the other, it is connected with the […]