SUMMARY Prior to town as a higher form of social living, there was gradual settlement of natural landscape. Man came into contact with this landscape and started to transform it according to his concepts and requirements. Primary characteristic attributes of a town are its boundaries or demarcation of its territory by fortification walls behind which – […]

SUMMARY In this case study, we focus on the area of the Freedom Square (Námestie slobody) in Bratislava as an important historical urban space. In the past, several political regimes with various ideological backgrounds tried to adapt the square to their representation and reshaped its topology accordingly. A wide span of different aesthetic models of […]

SUMMARY Negative side effects of industrial and transportation development in the 18th and the 19th century caused consecutive separation of work from housing. Initial support of functional segregation in order to create quality living environment later resulted in construction of large prefabricated housing estates. What first seemed to be effective, efficient and according to some […]

SUMMARY This paper examines the process of urbanization and development of the 20th century architecture in Albania and evaluates it in the context of synchronous development in other Eastern and Central European countries. The topic is on the representative urban public spaces of high ideological importance for authoritarian political regimes, of which the most prominent […]

SUMMARY Architects often encounter issues related to placement of a structure. The placement is not always adequate, does not consider local characteristics sufficiently, and often reflects only the aim of the investor. The inconsistency with urban environment is then obvious, as the basic urban principles are not followed. The ground plan of the construction is […]

Urban vitality

Silvia Bašová

SUMMARY Vivid and bustling city preconditions its further development and is a foundation of a sound urban life. European cities will dominate among the world settlements, from the point of view of a complex urban quality and new urban infrastructure, if they retain the balance of urban factors within the human scale as well in […]

SUMMARY The brief description of a period in development of modern school of urban design presents the contribution of a unique group of creative university teachers: Prof. Tibor Alexy, Prof. Jan Kavan and Prof. Filip Trnkus. They created conditions for raising the followers of the development in the field of urban planning, for independent urban […]

SUMMARY The growing concentration of urban population has presented the opportunities and challenges concerning possible alternatives of sustainable development in the future. Despite plentiful historical evidence of the fact that the towns represent the principal driving force of innovation and economic growth, the quantitative theory of predicting the understanding of their dynamism and organization, and […]