
Jozef Ciller

SUMMARY This is a study about the meaning and understanding of the stool, such homely thing in the human life, in the scenic expression.

SUMMARY Differencies and particularity of architecture in film and theatre. Scenography – as abstracts (art work), emotional effect. The difference between architecture of everyday life and scenography. Area story. History of scenography. The conditions of dramatic space creation. What does the architecture bring to film and what does the film make for architecture? The difference […]

SUMMARY The article is focused on symptoms and rendering architecture in film and theatre but also in book illustration and promotional graphics. It examines the relationship between architecture and art and attempts to define the effects of architecture to understand the dramatic works through various forms of its presentation. It is oriented to creative interpretation […]

SUMMARY Since the second half of the 20th century, theatre has started using rather different forms of its expression tools. Mainly in German theatre society, critics have started to use the term that refers to this new practice as “Regietheater“(director ́s theatre). These new directing tendencies in drama interpretation led to reinterpretation of plays by […]