Overlooked heritage: Interiors in Slovakia

Michal C. Hronský, Dušan Kočlík, Katarína Morávková

Cite this article Hronský, M. C., Kočlík, D., Morávková, K. (2021) ‘Overlooked heritage: Interiors in Slovakia’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 26(2), pp. 30-37. https://www.doi.org/10.2478/alfa-2021-0011   SUMMARY The creation of architecture is generally multi-layered and often complicated not only with respect to relationships (client – space – time – finance […]

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SUMMARY In the past few decades, architectural solutions to hospital facilities in Slovakia have not been able to satisfactorily meet the needs of both the patients and the personnel. In the field of neonatal health care, the crucial factor is the response to the growing number of pre-term infants. In the last decade, the number […]