Cite this article Búliková, L. (2023) ‘Innovations in sacral architecture: The resettlement churches of Emil Belluš’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 28(2), pp. 39-46.   SUMMARY This article focuses on two buildings by one architect – Emil Belluš (1899–1979), a doyen of Slovak architecture, whose work significantly influenced the sacral architecture […]

SUMMARY According to the view of the author of this paper, Prof. Belluš based his architectural creation on the relationship of the detail and the unit in his works, where both parts of architecture interfere and are mutually determined. It is inevitable to access Beluš’s detail as a part of the unit and Belluš’s concept […]

SUMMARY Prof. Emil Belluš was the first Slovak architect involved in the buildings of industry and production. Design in the area of industrial architecture became and important part of his life. His best designs in the branch of industrial architecture have been highly appreciated by the domestic and foreign professionals. The author of this paper […]

SUMMARY The author of this paper introduces the architect Belluš as a designer of sacral architecture. It is a difficult task to create sacral architecture. High quality sacral architecture can only be designed by a person with religious education and sensitivity. Prof. Belluš took for the first time part in the competition to build a […]