
Jana Pohaničová

Science internationalisation, interdisciplinary research, and international cooperation—these are among the success prerequisites for most Slovak universities and other institutions of tertiary education in the upcoming accreditation process. In this context, the fact that our scientific journal ALFA has been published online since 2019, and starting from the calendar year 2021 will only be available in […]


Henrieta Moravčíková

Urbanism and zoning in the former Eastern Bloc countries have been in a state of crisis since the end of the 20th century. This is associated, on the one hand, with a change on the state level, when the market economy replaced the socialist state-planned economy and, on the other, it is connected with the […]


Ján Legény, Pavel Gregor

The previous year 2019 constituted a turning point for ALFA journal and one can believe this year will be a year full of changes as well. The year 2019 began with a vision of journal’s migration to virtual space and the goal of setting up its own website too. The webpage design process lasted from […]


Christian Hanus

Interdisziplinarität und Transdisziplinarität als Herausforderung in der universitären Lehre. Bereits seit Jahrzehnten wird an Universitäten die Forderung nach inter- und transdisziplinärer Auseinandersetzung mit wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen nicht nur in der Forschung, sondern auch in der Lehre postuliert. Bei der Betrachtung der universitären Studienpläne der unterschiedlichen Studienrichtungen aber bleibt die Berücksichtigung dieser Form der Lehre sehr überschaubar, so […]


Branislav Jelenčík

At first glance it might seem that I wish to discuss a topic here that has been stirring not only our alma mater, but the whole globalized word. Though, it is not exactly true. Design in communication and communication in design constitute two independent entities and it is only up to us whether we are able or […]


Julián Keppl

Sustainability has been a very popular term of late, used so frequently as a common feature in marketing. Even though it is nowadays being pushed away by other terms, new “trademarks”, it keeps popping up in the most unexpected or even absurd contexts. The meaning of sustainability is clear at least until combined with the […]