Editorial 3/2021

Henri Achten

Cite this article Achten, H. (2022) ‘Editorial’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 26(3), pp. 1-2. https://www.doi.org/10.2478/alfa-2021-0013   At many architecture schools, the primary interest lies in education, and most importantly, in educating future architects. Most of the focus is on learning how to design, the dominant pedagogical model being the […]

In this issue of Architectural Papers of the FA STU, we publish the second part of the papers from the scientific-pedagogical conference “Educational Programme FA STU” and a summary of its conclusions – right, not in some unequivocal and definitive form, but rather as a stimulus for further discussion. This discussion in the academic community […]

To begin with

Peter Gál

The article is available in pdf after clicking on “Full article” below.