Editorial 3/2024

Miloš Drdácký

Cite this article Drdácký, M. (2024) ‘Editorial’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 29(3), p. 1. https://www.doi.org/10.2478/alfa-2024-0012   The articles in this issue of Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU journal perfectly illustrate the current social, political and cultural trends and influences affecting the creation and protection […]

Editorial 2/2024

Tadeja Zupančič

Cite this article Župančič, T. (2024) ‘Editorial’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 29(2), pp. 1, 2. https://www.doi.org/10.2478/alfa-2024-0006   This edition of Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU represents a multifaceted trigger for a vivid discussion about the quality of architectural research. It presents some holistic, socially […]

Editorial 1/2024

Jan Jehlík

Cite this article Jehlík, J. (2024) ‘Editorial’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 29(1), p. 1. https://www.doi.org/10.2478/alfa-2024-0001   Baroque vault and refurbishment, current use of the Moorish style, small-scale architecture, temporary forms of performative space – these are the themes of the actual issue. How different, how common, how architectural. To […]

Editorial 4/2023

Christian Hanus

Cite this article Hanus, C. (2023) ‘Editorial’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 28(4), pp. 1-2. https://www.doi.org/10.2478/alfa-2023-0019   This issue of Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU once again deals with a remarkable and diverse collection of current research topics in the building industry, from urban planning […]

Editorial 3/2023

Zuzana Čerešňová

Cite this article Čerešňová, Z. (2023) ‘Editorial’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 28(3), pp. 1-2. https://www.doi.org/10.2478/alfa-2023-0013   The topic of this special issue of Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU (ALFA) is focused on Design for All research in the field of human-centred design, architecture and […]

Editorial 2/2023

Eglė Navickienė

Cite this article Navickiene, E. (2023) ‘Editorial 2/2023’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 28(2), pp. 1-2. https://www.doi.org/10.2478/alfa-2023-0006   Building bridges between past and future is the common thread that connects the articles in the present issue of Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU (ALFA). The research […]

Editorial 1/2023

Wissem Gallala

Cite this article Gallala, W. (2023) ‘Editorial 1/2023’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 28(1), pp. 1-2. https://www.doi.org/10.2478/alfa-2023-0001   Architecture is at the crossroads of multidisciplinary fields; it is obvious for it to integrate new concepts and encourage new interpretations in all architectural projects in order to create a synergy that […]

Editorial 4/2022

Martin Wollensak

Cite this article Wollensak, M. (2022) ‘Editorial’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 27(4), pp. 1-2. https://www.doi.org/10.2478/alfa-2022-0019   The significance of preserving cultural identity is one of the main topics of this current issue of Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU (ALFA), with articles ranging from analyses […]

Editorial 3/2022

Magdalena Celadyn

Cite this article Celadyn, M. (2022) ‘Editorial’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 27(3), pp. 1-2. https://www.doi.org/10.2478/alfa-2022-0013   Architectural education requires constant updating of learning methods and the related professional knowledge as innovations are an intrinsic feature of this discipline. The transmission of this type of expertise into the learning process […]