SUMMARY According to the view of the author of this paper, Prof. Belluš based his architectural creation on the relationship of the detail and the unit in his works, where both parts of architecture interfere and are mutually determined. It is inevitable to access Beluš’s detail as a part of the unit and Belluš’s concept […]

SUMMARY We live in a renaissance of glass blocks used in glass-covered external, roof and filling structures. The present structures are transparent with relatively high efficiency of diffused light transmission. Higher thermal insulation is considered to be the great advantage of the structures in comparison with so-called classic glass-covered structures. The striking advantage of them, […]

SUMMARY Architecture “after guarantee” which already exists sometimes needs only a few to be secondarily used. Community of people who can see a hidden potential in abandoned buildings is growing and they putt pressure on recovery and recycling because nature and its exhaustible sources are to demonstrate that the debt produced by our contemporary lifestyle […]