Cite this article Bočková, M. (2023) ‘Rise of container structures along the Danube River in Bratislava: Transformation of the embankment after the river regulation’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 28(4), pp. 29-37.   SUMMARY The paper observes the space along the Danube River in Bratislava as a relatively newly […]

Editorial 4/2023

Christian Hanus

Cite this article Hanus, C. (2023) ‘Editorial’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 28(4), pp. 1-2.   This issue of Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU once again deals with a remarkable and diverse collection of current research topics in the building industry, from urban planning […]

Cite this article Vitková, Ľ., Štrbíková, D. (2022) ‘Pandemic as an impulse for the development of sustainable tourism along the Danube river’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 26(3), pp. 3-12.   SUMMARY The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is a challenge to the world – primarily from the medical and economic […]

Cite this article Vitková, Ľ., Lemak, O. (2021) ‘Interaction of landscape and settlement structures in the Danube region’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 26(1), pp. 30-38.   SUMMARY When evaluating the quality of urban structure and especially urban spaces, urban planners and landscape architects observe the following aspects: location, […]

SUMMARY If we understand cultural heritage as a sum of works of art or artefacts which are the result of the work and effort of previous generations, then it encompasses not only the evidence of the historical memory of a territory that has been inhabited for thousands of years but it is also the potential […]

SUMMARY The Danube area is a phenomenon embracing the values of natural beauty and those of cultural heritage, values both tangible and intangible, values of the present and of the past times. The DANUrB project focuses on identifying the values of the architectural cultural heritage and methods of valorisation of such heritage, and furthermore, on […]

SUMMARY Small and medium sized towns are the most common type of urban settlement in Slovakia. Therefore, finding ways for their sustainable development is one of the most urgent topics in contemporary Slovak urban planning theory and practice. The main tool of contemporary Slovak urban planning – the land use plan – regulates the development […]