Cite this article Hanták, J., Končeková, D. (2023) ‘Positive effects of wood in Vorarlberg’s (Austria) timber kindergartens’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 28(3), pp. 36-50.   SUMMARY The topic of implementing sustainable materials and integrating them into newly constructed, valuable, and cultural architecture is currently often mentioned in connection […]

SUMMARY General trends of spatial development as the change of the role of the cities and regions and possibilities of their development or restructuring of transport relations are influenced by the process of European integration. It is doubtless that the issues of integration and its relationship towards territorial development should be paid special attention to. […]

SUMMARY The history of the interdisciplinary studies in spatial planning has begun in Austria in 1970 at the TU Vienna. The next modification of the curriculum of spatial planning started to take place in 1992. At present a new model of the study is under preparation. The most substantial change compared to the present model […]

Badepension im ländlichen Raum

Katarína Poničanová

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Im ersten Teil meiner Arbeit zur Prüfung in Deutsch habe ich die Terminologie der Arten der touristischen Unterkünfte in der slowakischen und deutschen Norm verglichen. Ich stellte fest, dass unsere Legislative zweimal weniger Arten der touristischen Unterkünfte kennt. Ich schlage for, sie um einige Arten nach der DIN (1) wie zum Beispiel Gasthof, Bauerhof, […]