SUMMARY The department team is trying to lead the students towards a responsible and self-conscious relationship with the irreplaceable values of historical architectural heritage. Looking at the studio works and designs of other departments, we can see insufficient respect for historical monumental buildings, which is caused by the lack of analytical study and by the […]

SUMMARY The present situation in our school of architecture is marked by the polemics on the amount and content of humanities in their curriculum. One of the interventions to the structure of the architects’ education is elimination of a compulsory subject “history of art”, which, since the origin of the school of architecture, has always […]

SUMMARY According to the view of the author of this paper, Prof. Belluš based his architectural creation on the relationship of the detail and the unit in his works, where both parts of architecture interfere and are mutually determined. It is inevitable to access Beluš’s detail as a part of the unit and Belluš’s concept […]

SUMMARY The scientific project of institutional research Nr. 40/00 deals with creation in the fields of architecture and fine arts in the period from Christian antique to Renaissance (around 1,500 years). Project aimed at investigation of the medieval architecture and art contributions, including Slovak creation, based on the analysis of previous research, published evaluations of […]

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