Cite this article Ďurianová, A., Daniel, P. (2021) ‘The DIY principle in home improvement: Background, motivation and benefits’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 26(2), pp. 38-43.   SUMMARY “Do-it-yourself” (“DIY”) has become a global phenomenon reflecting consumers’ strong interest in producing the most diverse objects for themselves. The reasons […]

Overlooked heritage: Interiors in Slovakia

Michal C. Hronský, Dušan Kočlík, Katarína Morávková

Cite this article Hronský, M. C., Kočlík, D., Morávková, K. (2021) ‘Overlooked heritage: Interiors in Slovakia’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 26(2), pp. 30-37.   SUMMARY The creation of architecture is generally multi-layered and often complicated not only with respect to relationships (client – space – time – finance […]

Cite this article Ontkóc, M., Kotradyová, V. (2021) ‘Participatory design as a tool for sustainable regional development’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 26(2), pp. 24-29.   SUMMARY Globalization is changing our world at such a speed that regions are losing their ability to follow up. Updating infrastructure and making it […]

SUMMARY Practical outputs of the research and innovation of information and communication systems and technologies (such as videoconferences, long-distance teaching and on-line communications, using Internet and HTML pages for architectural studio projects and for long distance education and tutorial) to the academic, research, educational and practical activities in architecture and landscape planning. These principles used […]

SUMMARY This paper summarises the research activities of the author over a period of ten years spent investigating computer utilisation in the architectural design process. It describes three analogues or methodologies for a computer-enhanced architectural design process which have been developed and tested in both academic and practice contexts, with the collaboration of students, lecturers […]