Hitherto experience from implementing the National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No. 127/1994 at the project level

Milan Luciak


Despite the fact that the Act No. 127/1994 on environmental impact assessment has become operative only since September 1, 1994, the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic already supervised approximately 270 cases of the assessment process at the project level and currently it is supervising further such 80 cases. The presented paper deals with replies to the most frequent questions being put by investors, document elaborators, municipalities and other participants in assessment. These questions could be expressed as follows: when to begin to elaborate assessment, what is the function of the Act No. 50/1976 on territorial planning and building regulation with its later revisions, when it is necessary to carry out assessment, does a planned activity belong to the list representing Annex No. 1 of the Act, what are the tasks of the assessment subjects, what are the alternatives for the implementation, what are the imprecisions, what are the conditions for a positive approach of the population to a planned actitivity, who may elaborate documentation, what are the most frequent mistakes in working out an intention, what is the contents of the environmental impact assessment, public hearing or the final record, etc.

Keywords: environment, frequently asked questions, project, EIA, experience, impact assessment, 127/1994