Historical cemeteries in the context of cultural heritage: Case study of Zvonový Vŕšok Cemetery in Banská Štiavnica

Jara Lalková


This experimental project proved the possibility of mediating the historical testimony about the life of past generations in the multicultural environments of our historical towns via historical cemeteries and their inseparable presence in cultural development of towns. Based on the example of a cemetery in Banská Štiavnica, a complex methodology for documenting and outlining proposals for the regeneration and revitalization of historical cemeteries has been developed. The results can be applied also in other locations of Slovakia. The project has also brought along new approaches in the educational process of students of various architecture majors within the framework of mutual cooperation and joint multidisciplinary solutions.

Keywords: Banská Štiavnica, cemeteries, cultural heritage, history, Zvonový vŕšok