New trends in landscape architecture: An article on architectural treatment of an area located on Odbojárov and Kalinčiakova streets, in the locality of Tehelné pole in Bratislava

Tamara Reháčková, Ivan Stankoci, Miriam Heinrichová


The main objective of the article is to closer disclose the process of designing the solution for the new Park Site on the place of the former cycling stadium.

The first part deals with the broader relationships. The history of the former stadium area is mentioned, the functional use of the surrounding areas, connection and availability are analyzed. The whole territory and the complex itself are well accessible by public transportation, several lines of buses, trams and trolleybuses. Bicycle and pedestrian movement in the area are of great potential. From the point of view of pedestrians, the state of pavements and the presence of barriers appear to be a problem.

The second part deals with the philosophical and conceptual solution of the complex. The overall character of the space and its solution is defined as a public space, which contains several aspects in itself (social, environmental and economic). The design philosophy is based on respect and development of all of them. A view is presented that all the aspects must be in balance with each other to form an attractive, variable, livable, sustainable and respectful space.

The third part addresses programme and functional use of the area. The area of the Park Site is proposed to accept and exploit the potential of an attractive location, linking the environment, and positively affecting the lives of citizens. Flexibility for use is the motto for the newly revitalized area.

Compositions and spatial relations are dealt with in the third chapter. The composition proposal is based on the “stage and auditorium.” The focal point of the whole area is styled “Tower of bicycles”, as a reminder of past complex. An important composition tools are light and shadow. Substitution bright open space with dark shaded area, creates the necessary contrast and adds dynamism to the overall composition.

The fourth chapter deals with the concept in terms of its environmental and ecological aspects. It highlights environmental responsibility and the proposed design is perceived as a contribution to improve the living conditions in the city. The proposed environmental access to the solution does not require demanding modifications of the terrain or material manipulations. It wants to cooperate with the nature not go against it.

The concept from the perspective of social and economic development of the site is mentioned in the fifth part of the article. Revitalization of ​​the former cycling stadium will provide the multifunction park with many sport activities. It will provide sports and recreational activities to a wide range of those interested from closer or further localities.  The park will add to the attractiveness of the whole surrounding area which currently is quite neglected.

Keywords: biodiversity, trend, park, sustainability, landscape architecture