Discovering architectural records as a process

Valéria Gašparová


The ways of recording temporal and spatial changes are linked to the discovering and deductive explanation, scrutinizing ambiguities of urban situations with respect to different degrees of organization and specific character of selected urban areas.

Recent design methodologies, influenced by possibilities of new technologies, are directed at research of digital processes, replacing thus the previous concentration on form representation.

What do new time-space mapping techniques represent and how is it possible to transcript temporal data into a visual geometrical record or into an abstract form of script? Consequently, in which type are these records processed, what is the character of programming languages and how are they influencing the design process? A key argument is that a record is conceived as an indicator, an initiatory object and the starting point for design process.

The thesis focuses on research of new visual appearance and techniques of generating records stressing the dynamic aspects of mapping. Through structural analysis, the factors which have meaningful influence on the manner of record’s formation are identified.

Evolution of architectural recording and mapping is scrutinized from the viewpoint of geometrical manipulations. Denotation of record lies in identification of spatial and temporal information and in discovering its visual-analytical strategies. The complexity of architectural records is examined through oppositions: real time contra computational time, visual appearance contra dematerialization, geometry contra scripts. A significant phenomenon surveyed is that of finding a relation between authors’s selected records, their manipulation and processing through computational procedures.

The results of the submitted thesis can be applied in further conceptualization of methodological design research.

Keywords: architecture, discovering, architectural record, diagram