Design as an efficient tool of corporate marketing

Branislav Jelenčík


The majority of professionals and numerous amateur designers,
active in this profession do not realize the scope to which design
influences corporate marketing. Only seldom is design labelled as
a supporting tool for advertising activities of institutions
(CORPORATE ADVERTISING) or as its sale assistance.
However, design as an important part of advertising is accepted in
the field of package design, information graphics, visual
communication of Corporate Identity Programmes (CORPORATE
IDENTITY), and sporadically within retail points in their interior
and exterior creation (CORPORATE DESIGN). However, the role
in corporate marketing is, in fact, much wider. The aim of this work
is, on the base of symptom analyses, techniques and results of
methodical activities, to draw up a complex outline of design
This article maps out the basic framework and contexts of future
form of design work. It is based on a supposition, supported by
a long-time experience in practice. The majority of professional
designers do not accept the potential assets of design orientated
towards development of today’s organizations, especially their
marketing strategy. On the other hand, company managers are
unaware of possibilities that design could offer in the field
of market. Designers, who are particularly focused on the core
of their work, are not trained to communicate about wider limits
of interaction between marketing and design. Clients view design
only as a resource of some added value. The following analysis is
mapping out possibilities of interdisciplinary (marketing and
design) approaches to the solution (some challenges) of product
creation and in this respect designer’s activities within a company.
The theoretical base of modern marketing and its interpretation is
followed as well. Both topics will be integrated and thoroughly
analysed within the PhD.

Keywords: design, identity, corporate marketing, advertising