Current position of education of land-use planning at the Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Bohumil Kováč


The paper deals with relation of the current legislation in the field of land-use planning and the curricula of various specialisation in the branch of urbanism that is connected to the basic tiers of land-use planning and reflects the hierarchy of land-use planning. The education is guaranteed by three departments of urban focus and takes place in two overlapping levels: one is the urban design and the other one is spatial planning. In the frame of urban design the undergraduate is being led towards creation of spatial concept of the physical urban structures and operational relations that roughly corresponds to the educational and creative profile of the graduate. The land-use planning level of education is represented by the subject Land-use Planning I. The synthesis of both aspects and evaluation of the theoretical knowledge is the Studio Work. The undergraduate acquaints here with the basic methods of the conceptual creative activity from the analyses and surveys through the definition of the problems and creation of the alternatives of the draft plan up to the final proposal of the plan.

Keywords: urban design, courses, FA STU, spatial planning, teaching, creation