Corporate culture of a successful school: Current situation at the FA STU or Where to pay more attention?

Branislav Jelenčík


This paper focuses on the issue of corporate culture, particularly in the environment of the FA STU. Partly, as a tool for the analysis of relationships, values, attitudes, internal policies (author called it metaphorically as a mirror of an organization), also as a complex management approach to improving motivation and interaction of groups for a successful future of organizations – schools. Last but not least, as it is particular for the FA STU preparing young specialists – creators of the future material world, it presents the chance to integrate the issue of corporate culture in some of the subjects of their study. Again, in combination – both obtaining the necessary information for businessmen, owners of studios, and for employees in modern sophisticatedly controlled companies (our graduates are often more successful abroad). That is a matter of theory of how to gain control over the business.

The paper also emphasizes the use of corporate culture issue in creating the so-called material (tangible) demonstrations. In many of their contracts, future architects or designers will have to take into account the requirements of the investors´ corporate culture. This paper offers a list of school assignments where the connection of professional parameters and the presented requirements is clear and challenging. It is a quite pragmatic enrichment of classical school assignments. The author believes that this approach has the potential for even greater cooperation with practice and sponsors.

The paper is divided into key chapters on theory, origin and the appropriateness of corporate culture, the problem of spontaneous and managed corporate culture, and finally the implementation of the above-mentioned issue into the study at FA STU. This article emphasizes the need for multicultural adaptability of organizations and individuals for the future, the experience obtained by building an effective corporate culture helps to achieve this goal. Relevant corporate culture, compatible with other influential cultures facilitates better involvement of organizations, their survival in difficult conditions and a successful perspective.

Keywords: FA STU, identity, school, company, corporation, design, corporate culture