Late Modernism in the Slovak Spa Localities Mgr. art. Martin Zaiček, PhD. Slovakia is a small-size country rich in natural healing water springs. These springs are an important predisposition for the spa development. But natural resources themselves cannot provide spa services. For providing of the therapy, there is needed a complex of balneology and sanatoriums, which all […]
Architects Franz Wimmer and Endre Szönyi[1] had a joint architecture studio in Bratislava and both were members of the Pressburger Kunstverein. Aficionados of the inter-ware architecture can certainly come up with some works created by these two men, although their architectural work is not what one would call pure Modernism. The building of Central Passage […]
SUMMARY One of the first people to address urban areas was Leonardo da Vinci with his manuscript “La città ideale”. When he learnt that the population of Milan had reached 50,000 in 1486, he became the first urbanist to design a plan for a modern and rationally-organized town[1] which also included a list of factors […]
SUMMARY Architecture significantly influences health and well-being of humans because they spend most of their time inside. Poorly designed buildings may cause their users physical and mental discomfort which can lead to various diseases. Recent architectural studies as to how architectural composition affects humans were conducted on already completed buildings. Thanks to the technological progress […]
SUMMARY Colours constitute an indispensable part of any environment, without exception, and they are also the first “piece of” information people register in a new environment. People have a natural need for variety of colours in their environment and the diversity of colours is the first information given by the environment, which helps people to […]
SUMMARY According to historiography and archive documents, Banská Štiavnica is considered to be the oldest mining town in Slovakia. However, the look of the town’s urban and architectural form in its earliest days is almost unknown or, at best, rather vague. Long-term research of archive materials picked up only indirect references to Banská Štiavnica that […]
At first glance it might seem that I wish to discuss a topic here that has been stirring not only our alma mater, but the whole globalized word. Though, it is not exactly true. Design in communication and communication in design constitute two independent entities and it is only up to us whether we are able or […]