SUMMARY When considering the future direction of the FA STU and thus the education of the town and country planners in Slovakia, we cannot do without a view on European and world development. It is therefore inevitable to take into account the findings of analyses done by the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). […]
Maroš Finka
SUMMARY The scientific-educational conference at the Faculty of Architecture STU in Bratislava brought different opinions but the participants usually did not give a direct answer on the most important questions concerning the future of the Faculty. The organisational structure was found less important than the problems of the type of education, of the curriculum and […]
SUMMARY Environmental sustainability is the background for land-use documentation. Requirement of sustainable development is the main requirement in land-use planning and decision making but it is necessary to stress sustainability is more than just environmental bearing capacity since it contains the socio-ecological bearing capacity as well as the economic bearing capacity. In the frame of […]
SUMMARY Environmental appraisal of land use planning documentation is in focus of this contribution. It explains and describes the legislation background of appraisal together with the principles and directions of its own procedure. First experience is summarised and future directions are outlined. Great attention is also paid to the quality of the environmental appraisal of […]
SUMMARY Introduction of the model of the European engineering study, higher mobility of students and pedagogues, wider use of interactive methods in education and internalisation of education – these are the trends bringing important impulses for further direction of education in the field of spatial planning. The key task will be in the development of […]
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SUMMARY This article is available only in Slovak without a summary.
This article is available only in Slovak.
SUMMARY The summary of this article is not available.