SUMMARY In looking at landscapes we perceive their present state first of all. However, some facts in the memory of landscapes are not visible, or are not obvious at the first glance. That is the case of the forgotten landscape – French Baroque-Rococo garden in Iliašovce, in the region of Spiš. The summer residence with […]

SUMMARY Architectural design of buildings is usually a composition made up of inanimate traditional or modern materials, whereas landscape designs are composed mainly of plants, i.e. materials which are animate, breathing, growing, aging and dying. Trees in an architectural composition form a mass, volume and inner space. Like buildings, trees are long-lasting objects, which carry […]

SUMMARY Grotta is a ‘small-size architectural phenomenon’ characteristic of garden design within many historic styles; it is also a typical part of historic gardens and parks. However, grottas have not been given enough attention as part of historic parks and gardens in Slovakia yet. The influence of grottos and their environment is a phenomenon, which […]


Katarína Kristiánová

This article is available only in Slovak.

SUMMARY Landscape architecture requires a broad knowledge in the field of natural and biological sciences, in the field of art, architectural and urban planning disciplines. The diversified nature of the profession is reflected in the diversity of study programmes. The study programmes of landscape architecture are, in general, incorporated within the structure of the universities […]

SUMMARY The Danube area is a phenomenon embracing the values of natural beauty and those of cultural heritage, values both tangible and intangible, values of the present and of the past times. The DANUrB project focuses on identifying the values of the architectural cultural heritage and methods of valorisation of such heritage, and furthermore, on […]