SUMMARY The study is discussing those principles of sustainability whicb are relevant for town planning. The current problems of cities are analysed looking for possibilities of their fixing in urban structure, traffic concept, resource saving, prevention of pollution, integration with the nature etc. A vision of sustainable city is presented here: it has to be […]

SUMMARY At the FA STU there are two grade levels. In reality the bachelor level does not exist and the second level does not meet the students’ motivation. To recognize the importance of the bachelor study would solve many problems but it is inevitable to resolve it in close coordination with the Chamber of Architects, […]

Editorial note

Henrich Pifko

SUMMARY This article is available only in Slovak without a summary.

In this issue of Architectural Papers of the FA STU, we publish the second part of the papers from the scientific-pedagogical conference “Educational Programme FA STU” and a summary of its conclusions – right, not in some unequivocal and definitive form, but rather as a stimulus for further discussion. This discussion in the academic community […]

Cite this article Krausková, V., Pifko, H. (2021) ‘Use of artificial intelligence in the field of sustainable architecture: Current knowledge’, Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU, 26(1), pp. 20-29.   SUMMARY There is a trend that artificial intelligence (AI) is a direction to take in various scientific disciplines. The idea […]